Do you think encouragement is powerful? Or do you think, “Well, it’s a nice sentiment to say nice things to others.” Did you know that MOST men thrive on encouragement? Do you realize how often we notice the bad in others and we seldom point out the good? Personally, I think ENCOURAGEMENT is extremely powerful.
Encouragement is Powerful
Why do I think this? I have often struggled with this and if I’m honest with myself it was because I was more concerned with my own life than what was going on in someone else’s life. So, the first reason I think encouragement is powerful is because in order to give it to others, you first have to notice others and care enough about them to think of how to encourage them. I love the movie “Patch Adams.” In this movie, Robin Williams goes to medical school and while there, he notices that the doctors and the nurses tend to treat the symptoms and not the patient. It becomes his mission in life to change this. He goes out of his way to learn the patient’s name, to spend time with them, to make them laugh, to learn their story and to put a smile on their face. That movie challenged me to slow down long enough to listen to others and see what was happening in their life. Once I started listening, then I saw opportunities on how I could encourage them. When people get encouraged, I can see a difference. I think this is because it’s a lost art. I hope we regain this.
Men Thrive on Encouragement
If you’re married or in a relationship, it’s vitally important to use your words wisely. Men don’t like to admit this but we are as emotionally sensitive as women are physically sensitive. This means that when our wives SAY mean things, it hurts really badly. But, the same is true when she shows us that she’s our biggest fan by how she encourages us. Words MATTER!!! Again, for some reason, women withhold the very thing that would help them have a tremendous relationship – the very thing that all women want. In order to have a great relationship, you must see the good in your spouse and point it out on a regular basis. The more you encourage him the more he’ll respond. But, I see this all the time, it doesn’t last because it doesn’t seem FAIR and all the things he’s doing wrong become the headliners. What you speak about the most is what will become your reality.
Why do you think many women struggle giving encouragement on a regular basis?
Training Ourselves To See The Good
Encouraging others is a lost are for a reason – it’s not easy because it goes against our human nature. We must become intentional in using words to build each other up. This takes purposeful practice.
What are some things you can do to help make encouragement a more consistent part of your life?
Would you be willing to write a card, send a text, or speak an encouraging word to someone else for the next thirty days? If so, I’d love to hear how it goes. I hope you accept the challenge.